FREE migration if you already use Track Your Hours

💸 Free to switch and use
🕝 Migrate existing hours, notes, sites, and supervisors
📱 Start logging hours on your phone


Already using Track Your Hours?

Switch today and get License Journey for free

For a limited time, we are offering License Journey for free.

Full migration support

We will work with you to migrate all your hours, notes, sites, and supervisors from Track Your Hours into License Journey.

Simply generate your forms from All Time in Track Your Hours and send us the PDFs (details below).

Why is License Journey better than Track Your Hours?

Looking for something cheaper than Track Your Hours? License Journey is an alternative to Track Your Hours that is free, mobile friendly, more up-to-date with BBS regulations, and allows you to take daily notes and enter your hours in minutes so you do not have to do any tricky math.

Ready to start your license journey?

How to export your forms from Track Your Hours

Go to the Forms section in Track Your Hours

Select each type of form. Select All Sites & Supervisors and All Hours. Select Generate and send us the PDF file.

Send us each form: Weekly Tracking Log, Experience Verification, Summary Report, Weekly Notes to [email protected]